Saturday, July 18, 2009


It was a dreary afternoon as the storm clouds overhead continued to cross the war zone like an angry tide eager to roll through with a fury of destruction. A soldier lay almost paralyzed with fear of the enemy, and from multiple injuries received in battle. Slowly, guardedly crawling to safety, the soldier was suddenly plunging downward, falling, falling, falling into a grave of grief. After waking to reality, the soldier found herself buried alive, trapped within a tomb of devastation whose thick, dark walls intimidated her spirit, ground anxieties into her mind, and brought a sense of helplessness to her soul. She was a solitary soldier
drafted into war on the home-front battlefield.


Copyright 1999


The above is a brief description of the inner-workings of women who survive the traumatic horror of domestic violence. I share it with you from the standpoint of experience only. Yet this is just my story. You have a story that very well may be so different, yet you are relating closely with the Solitary Soldier. That is because
tragedy strikes the very core of a person's soul. What strikes me lightly, may effect you deeply. What is easier
for you to deal with could very well be one of the largest stumbling blocks I will ever come across. Each one of us is unique. No one is a carbon copy of another. Listen to their heart. Let them listen to yours. But my friend, when you share, never compare.

(think on that until next time)
